Monday, March 30, 2009

Life...In Random + Job Update

Things are just...normal. Busy, but normal. Busy in that we've had something nearly every night for the past two weeks - ball practice, church, school and volunteer activities. Normal in that none of those things make for interesting or exciting reading. Sorry if your bored all ready.

Madeline, or at this time of year aka Slugger, has really been enjoying softball. She has her first game tonight and is so excited. She's also been busy working on a dinosaur research project that was due today along with class pictures this morning and last week her elementary school put on their Spring Musical. It blesses my heart to see young children praising the Lord. The Children's Choir at church is currently working on their spring musical, I Know It, and she's part of a dance team and Mama gets to sing harmony in a back up ensemble. Can't seem to make it through one of those either without crying.

Our choir presented a program last night, 3:16 The Numbers of Hope, so Rex and I have been busy with rehearsals for that. I'm also excited about the upcoming women's conference that our ladies ensemble is singing for. So many fun and uplifting songs we're working on. Hope you're coming, the speaker is going to be awesome! To find out more registration info click on the button in the top left corner.

Rex has been working hard at finding a job. He's had to go out of town a few times recently for interviews that appear to be promising... The good news is, the current contract job he has wants him to stay on for another month to continue working on the project. Yea! We can eat for another month (although, it looks like I need to take it easy since shopping for an Easter dress has proven to be difficult).

Kenan just goes along for the ride as we play chauffeur. He's doing fine. A normal two year old, tantrums and all!


OK, all that was supposed to go out yesterday...

It seems a stomach bug has found its way into our house, and as all loving families should do, we've shared it with each other. I'll spare you the details but lets just say, it hasn't been pretty!

We did manage to get to Madeline's game before the sickness hit. She did a great job and can make that ball scream!

Next week is spring break - and that's exactly what we'll be doing - taking a much needed and well deserved break!

Hope you're staying well!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My Laundry is Possessed

Seriously, I think my laundry pile has a disorder. It mysteriously grows, multiplies, triplifies...
I'm going to diagnose it as having Amoeba Disease - the pile reproduces all on its own. Hey, new things are discovered every day only mine is in garment form.
Don't even get me started on the whole missing sock issue...I'm still searching for a grey one that disappeared over 4 months ago!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

It's Madness I Tell Ya!

March Madness is in full swing here in the Backes household. That means, lots and lots of tv, checking the internet, phone calls from 'fans', and extra sounds not typically heard every day. Sounds like hands slapping the carpet, mumbles, etc. Some of those can be good, some can be bad.
Things aren't nearly as interesting as they used to be. I had gotten used to (well, sorta) the yelling, hand clapping, and pacing. I'm not sure where this restraint of his has come from but at least it won't wake up the kids!
It's the annual wave we ride every March. As long as his team is on top and our arch rival (you know who I'm talking about) is losing, we're all happy - so go get'em TARHEELS!!!

oh yeah, i love me some Carolina too! :) Happy Madness Everybody!

Coincidence...I think not

I don't believe in chance, coincidence, whatever you want to call it. You heard me right. As a born again believer, I believe that our lives are in the control of the Almighty Creator who places us in situations or puts people in our paths at just the right time and place. Yes, we have free will to either ignore or follow the Spirit's leading, but too many things have happened in my life to just chalk up to "coincidence".

For example: On Valentine's Day, I was at my daughter's school setting up for the 2nd grade party and needed to walk over to the other building to get more lemonade. In the hallway I passed by a person whose blog I had been reading then for several months but had never left a comment on even though I was thoroughly enjoying it. Even in my hurry I felt led to stop and introduce myself and let her know I was following (I had signed up to follow, just not commented up to this point). She wanted to know if I had a blog, to which I replied yes, but had just started. She began reading and we became fast bloggy friends.
On her 100th post, she listed the '100 things about me', and on one of them I nearly fell out of my chair! You see, over the past two years I had felt like God had given me an idea that kept coming back over and over again that I either ignored or forgot about. She had been given the same exact desire and I firmly believe the Lord had us cross paths that day for this specific reason. I quickly contacted her and she told me of another friend, who I happened to also know, who had the same idea too and this past week we finally all got together to begin talking.

Here we are, Jeanette, Amy, and myself, meeting for the first time to discuss an adoption and orphans ministry at our church. Say what you will, but this was just too perfect a situation to have just happened the way it did, this was God! (It was St. Patrick's day by the way and we all had our green on!)

Another example: At our little get together, Amy asked if we had seen the movie Firepr**f. Nope not yet. This was the second time in a week that I had been asked this question by two different people. That afternoon, a third inquiry about this movie came my way. Okay, God, you obviously want me to see this movie. So tonight, our friends came over and we watched it while our kids played. WOW! Very good movie! If you haven't seen it, go watch!...go! Thanks, J & V for sharing.

There are more examples, too many to share, but do you see what I mean? It's like pieces to a puzzle that all fit together to create something bigger than ourselves. God is at work all around us, in all the little details of our lives (which I love because I'm a detail person). I don't want to miss any opportunities He has for me, I want to see Him in everything!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Daddy-Daughter Princess Ball

Tonight was our school's Daddy/Daughter Princess Ball and Rex and Madeline dressed in coordinating outfits. They were so cute! Rex even surprised her with a wrist corsage and we said it was like a preview to her prom - Daddy will be going to that dance too!

When they got home they told me what a fun time they had. Ahhh...makin' memories with Daddy.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Kenan!

Our little man turns 2 today! I'm always thankful that he's a part of our lives, but especially today I'm thankful that his birth mom chose life. I wonder if she's thinking of him...I'm sure she is. I pray that she feels peace and knows that he's being loved and pampered. She helped give us one of our most priceless gifts and I hope she can feel how much we love her too.

Happy 2nd Birthday Kenan! Your whole family just adores you!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Job Update...

Just wanted to share a praise with the faithful few who check in. Rex started a contract job yesterday with a mortgage company here. It's only for the month of March but it will help to supplement his severance until something permanent is offered. We're still praying for that to happen so please continue to lift us up and we'll keep you posted. Thanks for your prayers that have already been said.

Snow Day in my Winter Wonderland

The last time it snowed, there really wasn't much to do anything with. So this time, since we got nearly 6 inches, we made sure to build a big snowman and have a snowball fight.

Our backyard makes for a great sledding hill. With the rain a few days before, the river was up and more muddy than usual but it still looked like a winter wonderland.

It's hard to believe that we've had three snow days so far this year. This last one was definitely one to remember, but I think I'm done now and ready for spring.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

1st Gotcha Day & Homecoming Anniversary

Life has been extra busy the past week or two so I'm just now getting around to sharing pictures from our first anniversary celebrations with Kenan.

Forever Family

We had wanted to go out to eat at a Guatemalan restaurant and even enlisted the help of a friend to find a place but there just aren't any in this area. So instead we went to the next best thing and our favorite, Monterrey. Kenan enjoyed his chips and salsa and we even got dessert, fried ice cream!

That Saturday we went to a Sunday School social so we decided to bring a dessert to commemorate the occasion, cookie cake! Another favorite at our house.

We look forward to many more celebrations in the years to come!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

March Bow Giveaway!

My new friend Jeanette is giving away a collection of spring hairbows. Enter now for your chance to win! Even if you don't need them yourself, you can give them away as gifts for a sweet little girl. They're so cute and you'll be helping to promote her business that she uses to raise money for bringing home her daughter from China.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Part 8

Coming home certainly did not slow us down any. Just a week and a half after we came back we had Kenan's Rosebud Dedication Service at church and celebrated his first birthday. That weekend he got to meet his grandparents, aunt and uncles, and cousins for the first time.

About a month later, we went on our first family weekend getaway to Charleston, SC so Rex could run in the annual Cooper River Bridge 10K. We stayed an extra day to take in some sight seeing and go to the aquarium.

Later in April, two very sweet friends, Mandy and Lisa, gave us a baby shower.

Life was starting to return to the new normal. It took some adjusting on our part having another child in the house but Kenan did amazingly well and never once showed any signs of separation anxiety, etc. We'd have a year full of firsts with this new bundle of joy and lots of memories I hope to eventually put on a slide show (if I can figure out how).

Thanks for sticking with me as I've replayed our adoption journey. Here's one final thing, our announcement - Home At Last! Thanks for the idea Emily and thank you, we just love it!