Saturday, March 20, 2010

A Trip To The Office

A couple of weeks ago Madeline had a day off from school so I thought that would be a good time to visit the place that occupies most of my husband's day.  We arranged to meet him for lunch at his new office .  I miss the old days of just being able to drop in to surprise him.  Now we have to go through three different security check points and wear an ID badge that says GUEST - Must be accompanied at all times.  Sigh.

He gave us the grand tour and we ate in their cafeteria - kids get free cookies.  We met one of the guys who helped Rex get the job.  Madeline played hide and seek with the furniture.  Kenan wanted to play in the water feature in the lobby.  I wanted to go around a few times in the revolving door 'cause I think they're fun, but I didn't.  Rex got zero work done for the hour and a half we were there. 

Hmmm, wonder if we'll be invited back?