Our little man turns 2 today! I'm always thankful that he's a part of our lives, but especially today I'm thankful that his birth mom chose life. I wonder if she's thinking of him...I'm sure she is. I pray that she feels peace and knows that he's being loved and pampered. She helped give us one of our most priceless gifts and I hope she can feel how much we love her too.

Happy 2nd Birthday Kenan! Your whole family just adores you!
Happy Birthday to your big boy! Love the shades!!!
Oh goodness, this made me cry! Happy Happy Birthday sweet Kenan!!! You are a joy to all that you are around!
Y'all have fun celebrating!!
He is so sweet and growing so much! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIG GUY! We love you so much!! :) What a blessing!!
Oh what an absolute cutie!!!! Happy Birthday Kenan! What a wonderful blessing he is to your family and such a doll! Hope he had a fantastic day filled with love and fun! :-)
Oh my word!!! My man was so sweet Wed night. He came carrying Kenan over to our table at dinner and goes "Auntie V, sing Happy Birthday"!! LOL
I love you girl and I LOVE that little man! Give him a big kiss for me.
Auntie V
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