On Friday, Madeline's class along with all the other 2nd grades had a Hallelujah Hop in the gym. It was a 50's style sock hop and most kids came dressed in their 50's outfits. We had ice cream sundaes, bubble gum and hula hoop, relays and dancing. Since Rex has some free time on his hands, he came and played DJ by manning the sound system to keep the tunes spinning. It really was a lot of fun.

Saturday was Kenan's first Valentine's Day. He's become a chocoholic like his mama!

Madeline got the CD she's been wanting - High School Musical 3.

I was given tickets to Phantom of the Opera! I'm so excited! That night Rex and I went to see the improv group and illusionist that our church hosted for the local Christian radio station. I haven't had a belly laugh like that in a long time!
Here's a little bonus...couldn't you just eat him up?!