If you've listened to Christian music for any length of time you're probably familiar with the song,"Sometimes He calms the Storm", by Scott Krippayne. I was reminded of its truths a few weeks ago when a fierce thunderstorm rolled through awakening my oldest in a panic and my youngest with screams of fear for his daddy. As my husband went to answer the helpless cries of our son and I reassured our daughter everything was going to be alright, I was reminded how God comes to us when we cry out to Him. He promises us in His Word that He hears us and will never leave us.
Now, that doesn't mean He'll always put an immediate end to the storm we're facing but we can be assured that He's in it with us, holding us close while the storm rages on. We weren't able to do anything to stop the thunder from crashing and literally shaking our house or put a stop to the lightning that seemed like it was only inches away, but we were able to hold our kids and calm their fears until the storm moved on. They felt safe in our arms. God, in much the same way, provides for us safety and shelter from the storms of life.