About a month later, we went on our first family weekend getaway to Charleston, SC so Rex could run in the annual Cooper River Bridge 10K. We stayed an extra day to take in some sight seeing and go to the aquarium.
Later in April, two very sweet friends, Mandy and Lisa, gave us a baby shower.
Life was starting to return to the new normal. It took some adjusting on our part having another child in the house but Kenan did amazingly well and never once showed any signs of separation anxiety, etc. We'd have a year full of firsts with this new bundle of joy and lots of memories I hope to eventually put on a slide show (if I can figure out how).
Thanks for sticking with me as I've replayed our adoption journey. Here's one final thing, our announcement - Home At Last! Thanks for the idea Emily and thank you http://www.mandysmoon.com/, we just love it!
Love the picture with cake all over his face!!! too precious! The adoption announcement is beautiful!!! So sweet!
Thank you Traci for putting Toby on your blog!!!!!
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