Madeline, or at this time of year aka Slugger, has really been enjoying softball. She has her first game tonight and is so excited. She's also been busy working on a dinosaur research project that was due today along with class pictures this morning and last week her elementary school put on their Spring Musical. It blesses my heart to see young children praising the Lord. The Children's Choir at church is currently working on their spring musical, I Know It, and she's part of a dance team and Mama gets to sing harmony in a back up ensemble. Can't seem to make it through one of those either without crying.
Our choir presented a program last night, 3:16 The Numbers of Hope, so Rex and I have been busy with rehearsals for that. I'm also excited about the upcoming women's conference that our ladies ensemble is singing for. So many fun and uplifting songs we're working on. Hope you're coming, the speaker is going to be awesome! To find out more registration info click on the button in the top left corner.
Rex has been working hard at finding a job. He's had to go out of town a few times recently for interviews that appear to be promising... The good news is, the current contract job he has wants him to stay on for another month to continue working on the project. Yea! We can eat for another month (although, it looks like I need to take it easy since shopping for an Easter dress has proven to be difficult).
Kenan just goes along for the ride as we play chauffeur. He's doing fine. A normal two year old, tantrums and all!
OK, all that was supposed to go out yesterday...
It seems a stomach bug has found its way into our house, and as all loving families should do, we've shared it with each other. I'll spare you the details but lets just say, it hasn't been pretty!
We did manage to get to Madeline's game before the sickness hit. She did a great job and can make that ball scream!

Next week is spring break - and that's exactly what we'll be doing - taking a much needed and well deserved break!
Hope you're staying well!
1 comment:
Oh no, so sorry y'all have been sick! I hope you are all feeling better in time for Spring Break!
So glad to hear that God is continuing to provide with Rex's job!
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