I'm a stay-on-the-go mom who loves the Lord and loves to sing praises to Him. I have been blessed with a genorous and loving family and am surrounded by a group of sweet friends who keep me laughing. My life changed with the birth of our daughter whom we thought we'd never have and yet again with the adoption of our son. They truly are miracles. I'm learning not to take my blessings for granted but instead live in the present with my precious gifts and with a focus on eternity.
Follow Our Adoption Journey Here Parts 1-8 Birthplace: Santa Catarina Pinula, Guatemala Birth Name: Marco Tulio Birthday: 3/11/2007 Referral Date: 4/11/2007 Gotcha Day: 2/26/2008 Homecoming Day: 2/28/2008
From Guatemala With Love
I'm a proud Guatemama!
Our Adoption Agency
The Gift of Adoption
our story was featured here
The Gift of Music
We are One Voice from Charlotte, NC. We would love to bring a refreshing call to worship at your event "so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." Rom 15:6
One on One
Mother Teresa said, “Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to
I’m finding that ministry is just this.
Just today at the Clothes Closet...
Brazil---Week 3
This week in pictures
VBS with preschoolers through 4th grade in the mornings
One class making animal puppets
Hayes helping another class
Carol (l...
Jewelry Sizing Information
Children Sizing Information
These are general sizes and don't apply to every child. When possible,
please measure your child's wrist and add 1/2" to the mea...
Welcome 2011!
Hello friends!
My goodness, I can't believe it has been almost a year since I last made a
blog entry! Time presses forward, and I have feared that our mund...
Perfectly Imperfect
Can we all take a quick moment between pins and status likes and instagram
hearts and youtube shares to let one another off the hook and realize that
we ...
Em here~
Wow, where has the time gone?
Chances are, no one will even see this. But just in case, I wanted to share
what's up!! Remember me?!
Believe it or not...
Jehovah Jireh....always!
I'm sure if I look back through all of my blog posts I would see so many
titles similar to this one! That's because Jehovah Jireh continues to
provide!! ...
Christmas Card Carousel 2015!
Welcome to the Christmas Card Carousel! For eight years we have been
sharing our Christmas cards through this fun link-up. I look forward to
this every Dec...
9 years ago
Help Bring Home Mia Grace
Beautiful jewelry by my friend Amy to raise money for the adoption of her daughter