Many of you are aware that our family has been in the midst of a trial that has tested and retested our faith. My husband was laid off from his job in February of this year and is currently still looking for another position. It has been difficult even finding jobs to apply for in his field because the corporate world has so few available. I could go on and on about everything he's done for the last nine months on his part to resolve the issue but that's not the purpose of this post. I'm here to testify about God's part.
To make a long story short, severance and savings are long gone. The day this happened we received a check in the mail from someone telling us that they were being obedient to the Holy Spirit's direction. We've also gotten gift cards and the like from others who have seen our need and have felt lead to help. By the way, this is NOT a plea for money! It is however my way of recognizing from where our help comes, the maker of Heaven and Earth.
So, today I'm thankful for Jehovah Jireh, the Lord who provides. It has been truly amazing to watch His hand work on our behalf. What are you thankful for today?
This afternoon we saw a neighbor who we've quietly been disagreeing with for a number of years. I'm not sure we were recognized because we don't really have direct contact with them but we see one another in passing regularly. We were patronizing the same establishment and actually had for the first time a one on one meeting. It was polite enough while we were all together but when they left they forgot to take some of their belongings with them. I realized it just as they were backing out of the parking space and quickly got their attention to return the items. They were very appreciative and it made me feel good to know I had helped in some small way.
So, today I gave help to a stranger. What have you done to give today?