Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Living In A Whirlwind

I'm really having trouble knowing even how to begin, we've been living in a whirlwind for the past couple of days.  First a quick update on K-Man since my last post.  You'd never know anything had happened to him.  He was sore the next day and kept saying, "Watch my head."  Ever since then, he's been back to his usual cute self.  He'll have his stitches taken out next week some time. 

The next day, Saturday, we were supposed to have our annual New Year's get-together with Rex's running buddies and their families at our former Sunday School teacher's house but it was canceled that morning due to illness.  Three of the six families were healthy and in town so we decided that we'd still meet since we had all planned to do it anyway.  We laughed, talked, played games, laughed some more, and ate way too much.  We always have the best time with those folks.

Moving on to Sunday.  My dear, sweet husband was ordained as a deacon during the evening service. 

I couldn't be prouder of him!  I've watched as his relationship with the Lord has grown this past year and it just blesses my heart!

He is a champion for our family and does all he can for us.  We love him so much!

During the service it was mentioned how s*t*n likes to attack us.  We had no idea it would happen so soon!
Around 10 o'clock Sunday night poor Rex is doubled over with severe stomach pain.  He thought maybe he had food poisoning from eating some bad leftovers.  He just couldn't get comfortable and was up and down all night.  By 10 o'clock Monday morning he was telling me it was so bad that he was going to the doctor.  For my man to go to the doctor means he must really be in bad shape. 

From the urgent care he was sent to have a ct-scan done to confirm appendicitis.  Sure enough, that's what was going on.  He was then told to be at the hospital within the hour.  By the way, this was the second visit to urgent care for one of us already this year, and the year was only 4 days old! 

He was taken back to surgery at 5 o'clock.  Love the hat honey!

The surgery only lasted about 45 minutes.  Everything went well so they moved him up to a private room to recover.  We were planning on going home around 9:30 but just about that time he started getting sick from the anesthesia.  It didn't help that he hadn't eaten all day.  We decided at that point it might be better if he stayed overnight. 

My mom was already scheduled to be in town for a doctor's appointment yesterday morning and was planning on spending the night.  Talk about God's perfect timing!  She was able to stay with the kids while I was at the hospital so there was never an issue with childcare.  It's no coincidence that all the details had already been taken care of.  God is so cool like that! 

After getting the kids ready for school this morning, I went back out to the hospital to pick up my sweetie, minus one appendix.  He has a big purple buise on his abdomen and walks kinda slow but he's been up and around the house for the rest of the day.  I have to keep reminding him to take it easy.

Whew!  So it's been an eventful few days at our house.  It's also been amazing to see how God has put all these pieces together like a puzzle.  What a mighty God we serve!  To Him be all the praise and glory!