Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Card Carousel

I'm a little tardy for the party, I know.  I couldn't miss out on all the fun so better late than never!
Thanks Faith!

Merry Christmas 2010

It is with thankful hearts we are able to share that this year our trust and faithfulness were rewarded. One year to the day Rex found out about his layoff, he began a new job. After being ordained as a deacon, and having an emergency appendectomy the following day, he started working for TIAA-CREF as a Business Metrics Manager in February. He spent some of his vacation time in June on a mission trip speaking with business leaders in Santiago, Chile. We know that everything he went through was for a greater purpose and he’s using his experience to encourage others.
Madeline, our 9 year old fourth grader, went to sleep away camp for the first time this summer.
 She is very busy with school, has become a huge Lego fan, and is developing her
softball talent by playing as often as she can.
Kenan, our charming 3 year old, is all boy and started the year with three stitches on the top of his head.
He loves to be outside, is exceptionally good at video games, and is very attached to his sock monkey.
Traci still spends most of her time singing with her women’s ensemble and volunteering as Room Mom at school. She had the privilege of going on a mission trip to Quito, Ecuador in
August to conduct VBS for soup kitchens in the area.
What a busy and blessed year this has been!

Love – Rex, Traci, Madeline, and Kenan

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Home Tour

'Tis the Season for busy-ness.  I haven't been on here recently due to lack of time and energy but I thought I'd at least repost our candlelight home tour from last year since things look pretty much the same.  So, if you've got a minute go check it out.  I'll be updating after the holidays.  Have a very Merry CHRISTmas ya'll!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

This Little Pilgrim and his family

 want to wish you all

a very Happy Thanksgiving!
We have so much to be thankful for!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Day Trip to the Mountains

Last week our school had teacher workdays and I'd been itchin' to go see some pretty fall leaves, so we decided to take a day trip up the road a couple hours to the beautiful NC mountains.  I've lived my entire life in this state but had never visited one of it's most popular sites, Grand*father Moun*tain.  We took the scenic route, The*Blue*Ridge*Parkway, and even though it was a cloudy day, we still had some magnificant views.  I love how you can see the clouds between the mountain ranges.

Being a weekday, there was still a line of traffic we had to wait through.  I guess we weren't the only ones with this great idea so we just enjoyed the scenery along the way.

Shortly after we entered we saw some amazing natural formations.

The Sphinx Rock...

...and Split Rock.

As we ventured towards the top, we stopped at a museum and animal habitat.  The otters were resting, you could hardly see the cougar and deer, but one of the bears put on a show.

Madeline was very impressed at the size of her birthstone, amethyst.  It helps that purple is her favorite color.

My little bear cubs.

This is a wooly worm.  See how long the brown stripe is?  From what I was told, it's going to be a long winter.  We'll see...

We made it up the hairpin road to the top.  Did you know that part of that road is in the movie For*est Gu*mp?  When he's running across America there's a scene on one of those hairpin turns.  How cool is that?!  It was fun to drive too!  There we found a one mile above sea level swinging bridge which took a little convincing on our parts to get Kenan to cross.  It doesn't really swing, at least not anymore, since it was rebuilt using metal.  Now it sings when the wind blows and it was showing off that day because it was soooo windy!

Views in both directions.
The right...

...and left.

Even though we had missed the peak time for the leaves, there were still enough left for me to get my fix and stand in awe of creation. 

After our morning adventure, we drove over to Va*lle Cru*cis and the original Ma*st General*Store.  We went to the annex building which has a candy barrell and every kind of candy you could think of and some I didn't even know they made. 

We let our two loose and they were like...

...well, kids in a candy store!

I saw this sign and it got me tickled.

We had waited to eat lunch because we knew where we were headed next.  We piled back into the car for the short drive over to Boo*ne and The Dan*iel Boo*ne Inn.  Talk about a feast!  Just look at all the food!  We had fried chicken, ham biscuits, country style steak, green beans, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn, salad, cole slaw, stewed apples, biscuits with butter and blueberry jelly, chocolate cake, and banana pudding.  It was so good, I would have much rather been rolled out of there instead of having to walk!  We didn't need to eat for days after that!  It was hard staying awake on the drive home, let me tell ya.

 What a lovely day we had spending time as a family and visiting what was in our "backyard".  The weather was perfect, the sights were breathtaking, and the food was delish.  I can't think of a better 'day'cation!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Halloween Weekend 2010

We started Saturday off with pumpkin carving.  It was Madeline's idea to put a cross on our pumpkin this year.  It was also Madeline who played with the knife, even under supervision, and cut her finger.  Though it was only a tiny cut, Little Man had to have a bandaid too, they are after all just like stickers.

After the pumpkin fun it was time for Daddy to leave for the football game.  It was just going to be Mommy, Ana*kin Sky*walker, and Bu*zz Light*year at the Fall Festival.

We had a great time!  The weather was perfect, just cool enough to know it was fall but not so cold you needed a jacket to cover up your costume.  We arrived just as they were letting everyone in and headed straight for the train which was number one on Kenan's list. 

I was so proud of them and how they cooperated with me and each other (for the most part, I won't lie).  We did have a few tantrums because they each wanted to do their own thing but we worked through them, took turns, and were rewarded with a delicious funnel cake.  That was my favorite part of the whole day!  Hey, mama had to have some fun too!

After the funnel cake, with powdered sugar all over us, we headed to the "bounce the ping-pong into the fish bowl" game. (That may be the official title, who knows...)  I stood there cheering them on as Madeline bounced her three balls and then Kenan his two balls...

...knowing there was absolutely no way either of them was going to win.  Then Kenan bounced the third ball and miraculously, plop!  Into the bowl it went, and the crowd went wild!

Bu*zz won himself a goldfish!  I was in shock!  Probably not as much shock though as that poor goldfish who was now in the hands of a three year old who wanted to shake it's little water world. 

Next, Kenan and I did the Cake*Walk and guess whose space was called?

Yes siree!  He was now two for two and sissy was, well... see for yourself.

She took her turn at the Cake*Walk and thank goodness we had another winner.  I would still be hearing about it if she hadn't have won too.

So when it was time to go we left as a winning family.  Guess who won at getting to carry everything?
And the fish........ well, it made it home.  After about 48 hours it won a trip down the porcelain tank.

Sunday evening it was Rex's turn to get in on the Halloween fun.  He dressed the kids and took them out trick*or*treating until I could join them after singing at church.  He had the wonderful idea of using the wagon so they wouldn't tire as quickly.  It worked like a charm and we covered our entire section of neighborhood.  Gradpap, you would have been proud!

So until next year, Happy Halloween!  We may still be on a sugar high!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

K-Man as the J-Man

A few weeks ago I asked Kenan who he would like to dress up as for Bible Character Day at preschool.  Without having to even think about it he yells, "Jesus!"  Of course, I immediately beam with pride at how spiritual my three year old is being.  Then yesterday I get him ready for school and take his picture.  He poses like this as if to say, "Yeah, I'm Jesus.  Wanna make something of it!"  Oh yeah, way to aim high, son!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Sometimes He Calms The Storm

If you've listened to Christian music for any length of time you're probably familiar with the song,"Sometimes He calms the Storm", by Scott Krippayne. I was reminded of its truths a few weeks ago when a fierce thunderstorm rolled through awakening my oldest in a panic and my youngest with screams of fear for his daddy. As my husband went to answer the helpless cries of our son and I reassured our daughter everything was going to be alright, I was reminded how God comes to us when we cry out to Him. He promises us in His Word that He hears us and will never leave us.

Now, that doesn't mean He'll always put an immediate end to the storm we're facing but we can be assured that He's in it with us, holding us close while the storm rages on. We weren't able to do anything to stop the thunder from crashing and literally shaking our house or put a stop to the lightning that seemed like it was only inches away, but we were able to hold our kids and calm their fears until the storm moved on. They felt safe in our arms. God, in much the same way, provides for us safety and shelter from the storms of life.

"Sometimes He calms the storm, and other times He calms His child."

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Ecuador 2010

More details will come but for now here is a video I put together to share with my Sunday School class about my recent trip to Ecuador.  In one word, "Amazing."

Friday, July 30, 2010

Ecuador Agenda

Well, I'm almost packed, almost.  I've been so busy this week!  I've gotten the clothes tagged for the consignment sale I participate in every August done.  Good thing 'cause drop off is the day after I get back.  I've cleaned the house so all our babysitters won't think we live like pigs.  I've lost count of the number of loads of laundry I've done.  There's more to come once Madeline returns home from camp today.  Last but not least are the errands run to pick up snacks and more zip*loc bags.  Zip*loc bags are a travelers best friend! 
I won't be on here for a while so before I go I'd like to ask you to please pray for our team and our families while we're gone.  You can check our missions page on face*book all next week.  You don't have to have an account just go here:
Here's what we'll be doing, tentatively of course, while we're in Ecuador.  You never know how things may change once you're there. 

Sat. July 31 - travel
                   - pray for safety and that we don't have problems with international authorities and that all of 
                     our luggage and supplies arrive with us

Sun. Aug. 1 - church lead by one of our team members morning and evening

Mon. Aug. 2 - street ministry
                     - vbs and lunch for the kids in the community

Tues. Aug. 3 - baptism service of new believers lead to Christ through in home bible study
                     - preparing food to be frozen for later use at the bible studies

Wed. Aug. 4 - vbs and lunch for church's children's program
                     - english class and prayer walking

Thurs. Aug. 5 - soup kitchen for compassion international
                      - vbs with kids

Fri. Aug. 6 - shopping/touring

Sat. Aug. 7 - anything left to do at church

Sun. Aug. 8 - travel home
                   -pray for safety and that we don't have problems with international authorities and that all of our 
                    luggage arrives home with us

We covet your prayers.  I look forward to the mighty work that God will do and then being able to share that with you once we come home.  Adios!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Campin' It

I'm experiencing a first this week. 
 Girlfriend is at her first sleep away camp. 
I know she will have a great but I miss her already.

Please pray for the 115 campers and counselors that are away from home this week. 
Pray that they'll be safe, have fun, but most of all that these kids will receive a word from the Lord that will change their lives.

While you're at it you can pray for me too.  I've got lots to do to get ready for Ecuador!

Monday, July 26, 2010


Last night our team was commissioned. It's official, we're goin'!  All I have left to do is pack my suitcase and that'll probably take all week. 

A lot of planning and preparation have gone into our trip.  We've had team meetings to build relationships and learn about the area and what we'll be doing.  We've even had a yard sale to raise money for our team.  That sure was a hot day!

The Lord has blessed our efforts and we continue to ask Him to direct our path. 
We will be obedient.
"Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."  Matthew 28: 18-20

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Say YES... This family did

I'd like to welcome home a precious angel who has now been united with her forever family!  It was a privelege to witness this miraculous homecoming yesterday all because her parents said "YES!"  I look forward to watching the amazing transformation that will take place in her life now that she is home.

Won't you say yes too?

Saturday, July 17, 2010

100th Post!

Well, it's taken me long enough to reach this milestone of 100, about a year and a half.  I know that tradition calls for a list of 100 things about yourself, which I've begun, but will have to wait to post until a later date.  In fact, I've got many things to catch up on on-this-here-ol'-blog.  For now a special announcement will have to suffice. 

I'm excited to tell you that I've been called to the mission field again and will be going on a short term mission trip to Quito, Ecuador.  Our team leaves two weeks from today!  We'll be doing vacation bible school, serving in two soup kitchens, helping with a baptism, preparing food for bible studies, and prayer walking/street evangelism.  Yes, we'll be very busy, busy but blessed!

Please be in prayer for the people of Quito that God will prepare their hearts to be receptive to the gospel.  Please pray for our team and the unity we need to be effective messengers of the gospel.  Please pray for my family while I'm gone.  Please pray for my safety, the plane rides, and the preparation of my heart.

I'm also very excited to share with you that another adoption miracle has occurred in the lives of some friends of mine.  Congratulations F family on your new addition!  That makes two less orphans in the world this week!  Thank you Lord for your faithfulness!

Monday, July 12, 2010

A MIRACLE Happened Today

My precious friends are in China getting their daughter today! 
Happy Gotcha Day Mia Grace! 
We love you and can't wait to meet you!

You can follow along and see this miracle unfold by going to their adoption website:
Congratulations Stephen and Amy!  Your faithfulness has been rewarded.