This is the first nativity scene I purchased the year Rex and I were married. I bought it from a Christ*mas Around The Wor*ld home party, ever been to one?

If you'll go down the hall to your left you'll come to our family room. On the left side of the room is the staircase and in front of it is our Carolina*Christmas*Tree complete with blue and white lights. Over the years we have collected Tar*Heel ornaments and use this three foot tree to display them all on. The collection is still growing and I think it's about time to get a bigger tree!

Behind the foyer to the right is our fomal dinning room. You're just in time, the table is all set!

I'm not your traditional red and green Christmas girl. I love jewel tones! The pattern I use is called Holly*Joy and it sits atop a gold charger. The plate is actually a cream color but in this picture it appears more yellow than it really is. It's a discontinued pattern so if you know where I can get serving pieces please let me know!

Take a look behind you, it's our tree! You're now facing the front of the house. See the windows by the front door to the right? That's where you came in.

As you walk from the dining room into the living room there's a little table on the right with another nativity scene. This one was made by our newlywed Sunday School class teacher.

He gave one to each couple and we all thought it was some kind of puzzle. It looked very abstract at first until we saw it put together. Each time I put it out I think of how much it made us laugh. That was fifteen years ago.

Opposite that table is our piano which holds yet another nativity scene. I told you I loved them.

This one is especially dear because it came straight from the Holy*Land. We bought this in Bethlehem when we visited Israel. It's made of olive wood and I leave it here all year 'round. Who says you can only use nativity scenes at Christmas?! What a life changing trip that was! We stood in the very place the shepherds stood as they saw baby Jesus for the first time. I've touched the manger that held the Saviour with my own hands. We even sang O Little Town of Bethlehem as we huddled together in that cave that was once a stable. That was my favorite moment of the entire trip. Well, that and the promise we were given... but that's a story for another time.

Last but not least is our tree proudly glowing with purple and white lights and holding so many years worth of memories.
Your house looks beautiful!! Merry Christmas!
Your house looks gorgeous and so festive!!! Merry Christmas to the entire "The Present" Family! We wish you a beautiful day celebrating our Savior's birth! Enjoy this special day with your family! Sending you lots of love from Colorado, Denise :-)
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