Santa was good and brought her a Le*gos set and the complete St*rW*rs saga computer game. He gave Kenan H*tWh**ls cars and a race track.
Mommy got the car monogram sticker she asked for.
Daddy got the Car*lina vs. N*treD*me print he wanted. (FYI, he and two of his friends went to that game and are in the picture, very tiny, but they're there. Oh, and our Hee*ls won which was a nice and unexpected surprise.)
The kiddos got the next book in the series written by Big*Mama. It's part of a Sunday morning children's program at church. They have online stuff too. Check it out.
BUT, the BIGGEST surprise of them all was a W*ii!!! Thanks dad, it wouldn't have been possible without you! I think she's just a little happy, don't you?
The rest of the day was spent playing with all of our new toys. It took 2 hours and 20 minutes plus a few hundred pieces...
...but she put the whole thing together by herself. This is Ana*kin's Y*Wing Fighter. Girlfriend loves Le*gos.
Kenan ran over everything with his new remote control car.
And everyone got in on the W*ii action.
Including the K-Man. Believe it or not, he's actually good at bowling or as he calls it, blowing.
For dinner that night I made Car*raba's Lentil*&*Sausage Soup. If you've ever had it, this recipe tastes exactly the same. I may have to share it with you sometime...maybe...

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