I just love this time of year! The weather starts to cool off, which for me is such a blessing because I'm not a fan of hot temperatures. Unless of course it comes with a tropical beach, wait staff and maybe a cruise ship! I so enjoy a little nip in the air, wouldn't you know I'd marry a total opposite on this issue.
I also love the explosion of color! We like to take an annual trip to the mountains to pick apples and I get so excited to see the gorgeous leaves around every corner. We also have the tradition of going to a pumpkin patch which surrounds me with one of my favorite colors, burnt orange.

Fall is also the kickoff for the holidays and I love the sights, smells, and excitement they bring. I seem to get more done this time of year too. Hmmm, could be because it's not so hot any more!
So, today I'm thankful for my favorite season, fall. What are you thankful for today?
The second part of the experiment is to give and today I gave of my time to my daughter by watching a movie with her after church instead of taking a nap. This may not seem like a big deal but if you knew how much I like my Sunday afternoon naps you'd understand. We sat in front of the fire and sipped hot chocolate while we laughed at Elf. I admit I dozed off towards the end being so warm and cozy but it meant a lot to her to have me all to herself for a little while. What have you done to give today?
I love fall and the holidays to come too! My favorite time of year.
I love this experiment! You're going to challenge me to focus on being thankful too. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for joining me in this experiment! I can't wait to watch the list grow longer and longer each day and to see how the Lord is working in the lives of others!
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