Part 6
Kenan kept us up most of the night that first night. He had been used to getting up at 2:00, 4:00, and 6:00 for a bottle. We didn't want to change his routine right away but we weren't about to keep that up once we got home - mama needs her sleep! We finally figured out he was cold, us Americans and our air conditioning, and he didn't want to be laid down. Once he was bundled up in a blanket and propped up he at least slept some.
Our day was going to be jam packed. All 3 families that had gotten their kids on that Tuesday had appointments at the US Embassy Wednesday morning to get Visa's. We all piled into vans and they drove us over - no car seats by the way, it made for an interesting ride. You'd think a place like that would look official but it was just an ordinary building only with hundreds of people standing around outside. I wish I had pictures but they don't allow cameras or video equipment anywhere on the premises. There were two lines, one full of Guatemalans and the other full of Americans and children. They would point and make comments, I wish I could have understood what they were saying, maybe...
After waiting outside for about thirty minutes, we went through security, walked through the main area with lots and lots of Guatemalan eyes following our every move, and into a back waiting room over flowing with parents and kids. We sat here for close to an hour and finally our agency's group was called. We all got in another line, imagine that, and waited our turn to see a man who approved our I-600 form and we pledged to be his parents forever and to provide a good home for him. Back to the waiting room we went for another 15 minutes, then into a little room that you could barely get into because when you opened the door the chairs were in the way and it was only wide enough to fit a desk in - we're talkin' closet. Once we all squeezed in, the lady looked at our passports and receipts, then we took an oath saying that everything we had submitted was true, etc. This was the point the bomb dropped.
When these appointments had been set up for us, we based our flight schedule around the days and times all the legal things had to occur. We had been told that Kenan's Visa and the two others would be ready later that afternoon but now they were telling us that Embassy appointments and Visa's are never done on the same day, what we had gotten was a misprint and we'd all have to come back the next afternoon. Major problem, our flight out was at the same time as our new appointment the next day, the other families had flights scheduled before then and all the rooms in the hotel were reserved for a golf tournament the next night. No one had a place to stay if we were made to stay an extra day. Prayer time. I should have asked that lady if I could have borrowed her closet...
Let me tell you, God had it all worked out. He is so amazing! One of the dad's knew someone at the State Dept. and called her to see if she could possibly help us. This lady called the Embassy on our behalf and we all pleaded our case there in the main waiting room in front of all those Guatemalans. They told us to come back later that afternoon, all Visa's should be ready.
After lunch back at the hotel, everyone piled into the vans once again and headed over to an outdoor bazaar. Let's just say we did a little shopping...

We found a 'native' outfit for Kenan, some t-shirts, a hand woven blanket, picture frame, flag, magnet, a story blanket which is basically a hand made needle point wall hanging showing the culture and history of Guatemala, some hand beaded jewelry, and a book about the country.

When we got back, the daddy's returned to the Embassy to pick up the Visa's. Only one person per family was needed for that so I stayed in the room so the kid's could get a nap, OK, me too. (I can now say kids, plural, woohoo!) When Rex came back the look on his face told me something was up. He told me good news and bad news. The good news, two children got their Visa's. The bad news, one didn't. We were the one that didn't. You've got to be kidding me! He was given another appointment first thing the next morning before we went to the airport assuring him it would be ready. Time for more praying.
For dinner that night, we all went out as one big group for an authentic Guatemalan meal to celebrate together. No vans this time, we were within walking distance. Kenan ate well but refused to sit in a high chair. He wanted to be held or moving at all times. Was this a sign of things to come?

Bath time and packing needed to be done before leaving in the morning. It would be another up and down night with our new little man. We were ready to come home!
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