A few weeks ago we went to the beautiful, historic city of Charlest0n*SC. We started making this same journey around the same time every year about four years ago, give or take. What could we possibly be doing year after year in the same place? I'm glad you asked. But before I tell you I have to say that we do not go alone. We are but one of five families that pull our kids out of school on Friday and head out early in the morning, packing the same gear each time, caravaning and descending upon the city along with literally thousands of other people all there for the same reason. Any guesses? Are you in suspense? Just checking... We're going to the C00per*River*Bridge*Run. It's a 10k that Rex and his friends run every year.
This year our car looked like this on the way down. We had to start supporting our runner as soon as we could since he decided to participate even though he had not trained for it. That's right. Rex ran over six miles and only prepared on a treadmill for 3 miles one time the week before. Any predictions as to how he did?
The reason we leave early on the Friday before the race is so that our older children can participate in the Kid's Run that afternoon. This year Madeline ran the half mile race and her friends did other races and distances in their age categories. They all did a great job and each one received a medal.
All the families stay together in the same hotel. I can only imagine what the staff thinks when they see us coming. If everyone is there we're a group of 25 and we end up taking over the dining area. (That must be what it feels like to be a Dug*gar! Ha!) There were several times when someone came around the corner to find a seat and they ended up making a quick u-turn. Since we've been doing this now for years we've perfected our routine. Dining out was such a huge task with so many people that we've started ordering food and bringing it back to the hotel. This year was 0live*Garden with all the trimmings and it worked like a charm.

It's early to bed on Friday night since the guys have to leave at 6:15am to drive over to Mt*Pleasant where the race starts. Everyone else leaves at 7:30ish to claim our same spot every year to wait for all the dads to run by. The kids make signs and we cheer for everyone as we try our best to find our men amongst the throngs of runners. So far we've been able to find each one.
This year I almost missed Rex. Normally they all wear orange shirts to make spotting them easier, that too is something we've learned over the years. However, this time the weather was a little cooler than expected and Rex, being the cold natured being he is, decided to keep his long sleeve white shirt on over his orange one. He was literally right in front of us shouting to Madeline when I saw him. Good thing I had the camera ready or I would have missed him completely.
This was before, during, and after. He finished in appoximately one hour and thirteen minutes but don't let his smile fool you. His legs were cramping up and he was already starting to limp. Remember I said he hadn't trained? The next morning poor thing could barely move. It took him four days before he had full range of motion again. Regardless, I'm so proud of him for giving it his best effort and completing the course. Way to hang babe!
As we were leaving we spotted a guy wearing something I had never seen before. Supposedly running in bare feet is better than running in shoes. These offer protection but still give the benefits of running bare foot. I asked him if they really worked and he told me once he had gotten used to them he no longer had hip pain. Aren't they weird? Oh, I did get his permission to take a picture of his feet.
The rest of the weekend was spent visiting with each other and entertaining the kids. One of our moms organized an Easter egg hunt. The kids loved it, especially because they each had to find the egg with their name on it which won them a prize.
Once it had warmed up a bit we took them to a local park. They were starting to go stir crazy being cooped up at the hotel. They enjoyed being able to run around a bit. There was a slide that had been removed since last year and in its place was a big hill that someone had decided would make a great land surfing zone. There were pieces of cardboard lying around that the kids either stood or sat on to help them slide down the hill. It was a big hit with everyone.
Then it was back to the hotel and kids, kids everywhere. I'm sure the next morning when we all left the staff did a happy dance.
Before heading home we had to make our annual visit to Bat*tery*Park to see the cannons and sit on the cannon balls, or as Kenan called them - "gum" balls...
...and have lunch at Hy*man's*Seafood. Let me tell you, this little boy could sure put away the boiled peanuts.
The drive home was quiet due to two very worn out children. They look how we felt.
What a great weekend away with dear friends. We're already making plans for next year's trip and trying to figure out how we can make it even better. That might be impossible.