Tuesday, October 27, 2009

WANTED: Guatemalan Adoption Community in Charlotte and surrounding areas

This may be a long shot, but I'd like to meet other Christian families who have adopted children from Guatemala. I've seen the friendships and support that other adoptive communities have and would like for my son and I to establish relationships with other forever families who have children his age and nationality and who love the Lord.

So... if you know of anyone, preferably in Charlotte or surrounding areas, who has a blog and fits that description, send me a link. If they're further away, that's ok too, we can always communicate via the internet.


Jeanette said...

Traci, have you tried any yahoo groups for guat. adoptions or does your agency have any yahoo groups you could join? That's how I've met so many people in the China adoption community!!!

Traci said...

I knew you had done something but couldn't remember exactly what.
Thanks, I'll give it a try!

Anonymous said...

Hi Tracy,

I'm not positive, but I believe there's a few adoptive parents at HGBC that might be up for connecting.

Rex might know a few - wish I could remember offhand.

Bryan S. in Harrisburg